How To Maximize View Space on your HUD for Star Trek Online

Star Trek online is the free to play MMO I have been immersed in during my off-duty hours lately. You can see my official review of Star Trek Online here at and It’s been one of the best and most rewarding F2P MMOs I have ever played but there are, of course, a few issues with it here and there. Perhaps one of the most notable is that the scale of the GUI or HUD interface in the game is Continue reading

One more chance for BioWare

OK, everyone knows now that Mass Effect 3’s ending (or lack thereof, really) let me down so badly that I actually cried. Yes, I shed real tears like a big baby. I couldn’t help it. Having devoted more than 400 hours of my life to this series of gamovies (game+movie, get it?) I was devastated when the final 30 mins of play in M.E. 3 killed every character and destroyed the entire galaxy, for all intents and purposes. I won’t go into a rant about it here, but I bring it up as a lead-in for this post. Read on to see why.   Continue reading

Mass Prison Effect Break

**SPOILER ALERT** (not really but kinda)

I watched this series after I watched the whole series of 24 in two weeks. I have to say this show really was a great show, and I liked it a lot. I thought it was, in it’s own way, nearly as good as 24, and that’s saying a lot because I put 24 in my top ten favorite dramatic series of all time.

Now, why did I put a spoiler alert? Because I want to discuss the ending, just a tiny bit. When I watched the final five episodes of Prison Break, I had JUST finished playing Mass Effect 3. Anyone else who has played M.E. 3 will probably agree with me Continue reading

Absolutely Betrayed

I cannot believe what I have just witnessed. Since their first game in the Mass Effect series I have been a loyal and devout fan of Bioware. I loved Dragon Age as well, even though the sequel really doesn’t have anything to do with the first one. But this… This disappointing and worthless TRAVESTY of an ending for Mass Effect 3… I am completely horrified at what Bioware has chosen to do. They have made it so everything in every Mass Effect game was for nothing.  So much so, in fact, that it almost ruins any other Bioware game for me. I feel betrayed and mocked all the way to the bank. Way to go Bioware. Jerks.