What Happens Next, After I See You

Beauty is skin deep

don’t be fooled by the packaging

make sure to read the ingredients

and watch out for high fructose corn syrup

all this advice, offered so nice

and all in your own best interest, yes?

Watch what happens now, Continue reading

Google Has Easter Eggs Again This Year

Check out the data I pulled up on Google when searching for a very special Chuck (since I live in Chucktown/Charleston at the moment)

If chuck norris is not your cup of tea, try typing:

do a barrel roll

in your Google search bar on the Google homepage, and pray you don’t have instant search installed…or at least hope you have some dramamine handy

Mustard…? Really? (a.k.a. “The Secret Life of an American Condiment”)

I suffer from chronic heartburn. Whether this is because of un-diagnosed acid reflux or some other reason, I don’t know. What I do know is that I can’t eat most of my favorite foods without a flare up that feels like trying to swallow a bubble of liquid hot magma.

So, with the economy being what it is, and being a struggling artist myself, Continue reading